Every business & organization needs video.

Yes, even yours.

At Reynolds Video, I work with you to understand you and your message. Then I get to work:

How Do I Work?


Whether making a business explainer video, product tutorial, professional interview or a music video for your band, every project follows the same basic 4 step process:

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Every video begins with an idea

All the best videos have a clear vision and solid prep time. I work with you to identify your goals and ideas and then get to work. From concept to script, shot lists to storyboards & gear lists, I know what we need and I come prepared.

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Getting the shot

We've made it through prep. We have our script, shot lists and storyboards. Now it's time to film! Whether on a set or out on location, I shoot efficiently & effectively and I have fun while doing it. You will too. (Yes, you can quote me.)

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Where it all comes together

Combining all of our footage with graphics, kinetic typography, stock video and compelling calls to action, the true success of the video is achieved in the editing process. Your input is very important and is gathered throughout the process, with multiple version reviews along the way.



Enjoying the final product

It's not enough to just make a video and put in on your website. You also need to upload it to the proper distribution services, and post to your social media pages as well. Once completed, I work with you to get all the eyeballs on your new video. (Yes, all of them)

Who I've Worked With


Portfolio pages are coming, but in the meantime check out my YouTube channel to see more examples of my work for these awesome groups below.